New Version of Google Search Console Now Available to Everyone!

Google Search Console updates are fast and furious. Even for the most  hawk-eyed or sharp-sighted SEO professionals, it can be hard to keep track for all recent developments. With the recent launch of the new version of Google Search Console, webmasters can bring redesigned search performance and index coverage data to the servicer. Now, the verified users of Google search console can access the new search performance, index coverage, and AMP status.

How will the New Google Search Console Feature Benefit Users?

The new version of search console reports will provide more transparency into Google’s indexing which will help website owners to resolve issues faster and will give them a responsive user-interface. The new version of Google search console will now feature more detailed data about the errors that a site’s AMP pages throw. Now users can use both the versions and users will be able to switch back and forth between the new and old reports. Google will continue to add classic search console features into the new search console and until that process is complete, webmasters can access both versions via a link in the navigation bar. Another feature in the new version of Google search console is the ability to share critical issues and it efficiently distributes the information and gets the problems addressed more expediently. With the help of the updated index coverage, AMP status, and job posting reports, site owners will be guided in a simplified process of optimizing their website’s presence in search results.

The updates included in Google search console include search appearance, search traffic, crawl data, and technical status updates. The new search console has new search performance. It now features a new design and access to 16 months of data. The index coverage report of this new version is getting an overhaul. The index report used to help you to figure out why some pages may not show up in Google’s index. This focus now seems on making the existing features more easy to use as through this feature you can easily find the tools to test and resubmit in URLs.

Following are the improvements included in the new version of Google Search:

Google AMP Supports Signed Exchange

One common issue that webmasters face while using Google AMP is the URL and other attribution issues. The signed exchange is a new web packing system that lets publishers deliver portable content without compromising on the attribution and integrity. This AMP enhancement in the Search Console will help webmasters identify issues with ‘signed exchange.

Google Search Console API Upgrade 

The Search Console API infrastructure has been upgraded. It will have the following features: 

  • Changes in Google Cloud Platform Dashboard: There will be a drop in the old API usage report and an increase in the new one.
  • Discovery Document Changes: Those webmasters who are using third-party API  libraries or querying directly on Webmaster Discovery Document are required to update it by the end of this year.

  • API Key Restriction Changes: As the previous API key restrictions  will not work, so the user will have to change them. 


Mobile-First Indexing Yet to be Updated

According to a new Google announcement, the scheduled date to use  The Mobile-First Indexing has been postponed due to the COVID pandemic, and is expected to be released by March 2021.  Those webmasters who have been receiving mobile-first indexing errors via the Search Console will now get more time to fix the issues. 

Rich Results Tool Out of Beta 

Google’s Rich Result tool is now taken out from its beta version. Now, the search giant has announced that it’s out of beta. The previous structured data testing tool supported all Schema and helped fix almost all schema markups with errors. But this new version doesn’t support the schemas. 

Announcement of Core Web Vitals Announced 

Google introduced the concept of WebVitals that took into consideration three essential user experience factors:

1.Largest Contentful Paint

A slow server response time and render-blocking scripts will give a low Largest Contentful Paint score.  According to Google, the ideal Largest Contentful Paint score is 2.5 seconds. 

2. FID Score

FID (First Input Score) is the time that the browser takes to respond to the user interaction and Google recommends 100 milliseconds or less to be the ideal First Input Delay score.

3. Cumulative Layout Shift

This will detect the changes made to the website’s visual element after it has been displayed to the users. 

The new reports in the new version provide detailed debugging information, combines both links to your site, provides all the information of the old report plus detailed crawl status information from the Google Index, has better designed report with the sitemaps, the URL inspection tool has information about the indexed URL and the new information about this tool includes URL of the canonical page and noindex/nocrawl blocks and whether or not the URL is in the Google index. 

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